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Wills & Probate

A Will enables you to determine as to how your estate is divided on death as opposed to having the law of intestacy applying in the absence of a Will.
We will prepare a Will that is specific to you and your situation. You will be able to:
Choose who shall (or shall not) benefit from your estate on death.
Appoint an Executor to manage your estate on death.
Ensure that your loved ones will be provided for.
Appoint a Guardian for any of your children under the age of 18.
Make charitable gifts.
Detail your funeral wishes.

A Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration is usually required following a death to enable any property of the deceased be dealt with. We can assist the Personal Representative in completing the Inland Revenue Affidavit (CA24). Other services we can provide include –
Arranging for Valuations of all assets of the deceased.
Filing an IT38 Tax Return with the Revenue Commissioners.
Preparing the application to extract a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration.
Ensure payment of all debts, liabilities and legacies of the deceased.
Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney refers to a legal document which authorises another person to do a particular task or to make decisions on your behalf.
If you wish to discuss any of the above matters with Niall Breen & Co. Solicitors, please contact us below.